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With tanning salons throughout the entire country, Sunday’s is by far the biggest in its sector. When it comes to innovation and technology they only want what’s best for their customers. Free WiFi is a must, but social WiFi is an interesting addition. While guests stream their favorite music, Sunday’s turns happy customers into returning customers.

Sundays coupon

Discount offer using coupons

“How do we make sure that it is not the beach, but our tanning beds that are occupied during the summer months?” Sunday’s Groningen decided to utilize SpotOn and surprise its guests with a nice discount. On a Wednesday afternoon, a coupon was sent from the dashboard (within 10 minutes). The conditions: “Tanning from Wednesday to Sunday for just €7.50 upon showing this coupon.”  That same night the coupon was handed in thirteen times(!), and on Sunday the counter was at 66. Although it seemed like a challenge, SpotOn fixed this in a heartbeat.

Sundays logo

Turn happy customers into positive reviews