Digital Coupons: A Key to Customer Loyalty

Digital Coupon Digital Coupon

Digital coupons are helping many businesses to rake in profits. Do you know why? It is because 68% of customers are loyal to businesses that offer digital coupons regularly. And so it does make sense to take digital coupons seriously. Let’s delve briefly into why digital coupons are enabling brands to…

Build Customer Loyalty

If you have a hundred customers, that’s great. But if you have a hundred loyal customers, that’s amazing. Creating opportunities for customers to save money on purchases using digital coupons keeps them coming back. This in turn creates a steady flow of revenue for your business. The problem is, customers are always bombarded with choices from your many competitors. This can make it difficult for you to get their attention.

Here are a few tips to solve that problem according to the Young Entrepreneur Council:

  1. Give them a good reason to come back.
  2. Provide the highest value you can.
  3. Engage your customers.
  4. Show your customers appreciation.


These four tips are used by medium and large companies to foster customer loyalty. But you may be asking…

Why Are Digital Coupons Effective?

Digital coupons are a step amongst others towards building customer loyalty. And one reason why they are effective is that humans love to have something of value for little or nothing. Coupons are engaging: they let your customers know when you have got new money-saving deals. This keeps them interested all the time. But the trick is in how they are used. To get customers to come back make sure you set their coupon redemption on a later date.

For instance, if a customer dined at your restaurant today, you could offer a coupon for a free desert (that won’t cost you a lot) for the next time the custom returns. This offer will keep the customer thinking about your restaurant and would make it difficult for them to go to your competition. Read How to use coupons to draw customers: 4 important factors to consider.

In addition to that, offering coupons shows your customers that you appreciate their continued patronage. And because people love to go to places where they are valued, they will keep coming back to you.

Some Data on the Impact of Online Coupons

  • A staggering 560 million people (mostly adults) make use of digital coupons.
  • 70% of these people have used up to 5 coupons in the past three months.
  • 16% of the 560 million have used 6 to 10 coupons while 10% of them have used from 11 to 20 coupons to save money in the past three months.
  • Next, 83% of potential customers say they would love to use coupons and 82 percent of consumers now prefer digital coupons because they are convenient and easy to apply.

Digital coupons can give you more than just happy, loyal customers; they will make 77% of your customers to spend $10 to $50 more than they had initially wanted to.

Taking Advantage of Digital Coupons

Want to cash in on digital coupons? Then you need the right set of tools to do so. The first thing you need is to offer free Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi is a prerequisite for many customers to choose you over other businesses. And not only that, it is currently the most effective channel for retail and restaurant businesses to offer coupons to their customers. You should make sure your Wi-Fi login page is optimized for all mobile devices. Learn how to maximize your Wi-Fi login page, this way you can catch the attention of more customers. If you do not have a Wi-Fi login page, you need to get in touch with a Wi-Fi marketing company to get you started.

There is another advantage free guest Wi-Fi has – it can be used to garner valuable customer data. Data that includes buyer visit frequency, age, gender, location, number of purchases made, favourite brands, and more. The data is useful in helping you segment your customers so that you can design coupon campaigns that are relevant to every customer. In order to do this, you need to integrate your Wi-Fi with a Wi-Fi marketing & analytics tool.

Wi-Fi analytics platforms like SpotOn Wi-Fi can help you improve customer loyalty by creating the right digital coupons. Want to see how it does this? Request a free demo or contact us to learn more.

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