How to drive ROI using customer profiles & analytics

wifi marketing analytics

Anyone who knows anything about marketing in this digital age, knows that there are several ways to garner data from customers. The most common ways include self-designed surveys, questionnaires, U.S statistical data, market research firms and WiFi data. WiFi date is our point of focus in this article. Some of these are less effective and more expensive than others. But regardless of which of them you employ there are systems in place that can help you make the most of your customer profile data.

Marketing isn’t magic or luck

Depending on the method used to garner your customer data, a few of these systems or tools can glean more elaborate, real-time information through WiFi marketing tech. This makes your data collection more cost effective and much more accurate.

Creating effective and efficient marketing campaigns isn’t magic or luck. It is the result of a proper understanding of the different kinds of customers you have. An understanding of their behavioral patterns such as when they are online or offline, how much time they spend online, where they hangout the most (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.), the kind of things they are interested in and the most convenient time to reach out to them.

All these will give you a broader insight as what kind of information they like, their questions, concerns/complaints and the marketing channel that is most effective for them. They will also enable you to create top-quality, relevant content for your site, useful posts on your social media pages and informational newsletters for your e-mail marketing campaigns, as well as your offline marketing efforts.

Humans are beings of information and so our thoughts and actions are a product of the information we have and process. The same thing applies to customer profile data; they enable you to take certain actions you could never have taken if you didn’t have them. They open up a whole world of possibilities. If you run a hotel or restaurant for instance, with customer profile data you can easily spot prime locations if you are looking to open a new outlet. With it you will be making better, more informed decisions on promotions and special events, and will also be more efficient at managing staffing and expenditures.

WiFi triggered marketing

Are you a brick n’ mortar business looking for how to collect customer data without hassles? Then you should really look into WiFi marketing and analytics platforms. These tools can help you glean customer data on autopilot and then organize them into customer profiles. This organized information is important if you want to succeed in the present, highly competitive world. However, that’s not all there is to it.

You can use these WiFi marketing and analytics tools to create pre-scheduled marketing campaigns that are inspired by already acquired customer behavioral data. Since the data is collected in real time, you could also run your marketing campaigns in real time, using first hand customer demographics.

Need a few examples? Here are some you could implement right away:

  • Birthday messages: this one is pretty simple. Date of birth is very common and also very important information to glean from customers. People feel loved and cared for when they receive birthday missives from a business or company. But that’s not all. With date of birth comes information such as age-bracket and age related interests which can be used to create tailored offers for your customers.
  • Come back again: this is another good one. Without WiFi marketing tools there’s no way reach your previous visitors and that way you could lose them to your competitors. But thanks to WiFi marketing tools you can send your visitors, especially first-timers, messages like: “Dear Audrey, thanks for dining with us today. Hope you enjoyed your meal? We’d love to see you return. In fact if you do, we’d give you a free rosette chicken with whatever you order, and it’s on the house!” Incentives like this can make customers return to relive the nice experience they had previously and this would help cement their loyalty.
  • Rate our service: In addition to your “Visit us again” message, you could ask customers to rate their experience with you; fully automated. If a customer had a great experience and gave you a nice rating, you could incentivize them to do the same on popular rating sites such as Tripadvisor, Google or Facebook.

Factors such as program registration, customer ratings, milestones, holiday seasons etc. could serve as triggers for sending messages to your customers. Also with the customer profile data, you will be able to create different messages for different categories of your customers. This includes age, location, personal interests, marital status etc. categories.

Test and measure your marketing outcomes

Setting goals without a way to measure your progress towards those goals is a complete waste of time, energy and resources. Same thing goes for marketing campaigns. If you create marketing campaigns without a way to measure the results you might as well not even bother executing them. You would only succeed in spending time and resources without know of you are gaining or losing.  You should ensure that whatever WiFi marketing platform you want to employ has elaborate reporting features that are easy to use and understand.

Furthermore, WiFi analytics and marketing platforms are devoid of bias and will accurately tell you why and what brings you customers the most or least. You might think you know what attracts visitors to your place of business but you could be wrong on so many levels. This is because human tastes, experiences, and preferences are infinitely diverse. You should rely on customer WiFi data, instead of what you think.

What’s more is that you would want to know how many of your customers came through your radio commercials, Facebook Ad, e-mail newsletter etc. Or what marketing message caught their attention. Testing to know which medium pulls in the highest number of customers for you helps you know where to channel your energy and resources, and also minimize wastes.

With this, you can then tweak your marketing message to get more out of a particular channel and to improve your message as well. This testing should continue for as long as you have a campaign running. 

Now is the best time to start

Right now is the most appropriate time to get into using WiFi marketing and analytics to garner customer profiles and significantly change the outcome of all your marketing efforts. For the most part, your physical input is minimal because these WiFi analytics platforms do most of the work, collecting and organizing customer data passively.

Knowing the different kinds of customers you have can put you ahead of your competitors, because it enables you to create messages specifically tailored for each customer group. You can effectively drive positive ROI using customer profiles from WiFi analytics and marketing. Don’t wait until your competitors offer free social WiFi and gain more customers; Start now and beat them to it.

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