
Airports, train stations and more


Trains, buses and stations

Guest WiFi makes public transport even more attractive; isn’t it nice when you can study while traveling, receive a message in case of a delay and get a nice offer from a kiosk around lunch time? Guest WiFi makes it possible.

  • Collect unique profiles of travelers and discover patterns
  • Improve your service and traffic flow at stations
  • Improve the revenue of station restoration
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Airports and airplanes

If anything makes life easier, it’s guest WiFi. You can now check-in using just your phone, stream YouTube videos for hours and receive real-time flight information in the mean time. The connection is so fast that you won’t even be bothered when a pop-up announces your flight is delayed for an hour!

  • Discover patterns in how passengers move around
  • Send targeted promotions
  • Improve your online and offline services
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Words from our

"Very satisfied with SpotOn! You can clearly see reviews. Our team clearly has added value for being able to switch quickly!" H32, Pierre Vink, owner

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Words from our

"Very friendly people at SpotOn, a nice working product. If every company worked that way, the world would be a lot happier. A+ for SpotOn" Bowling- en Partycentrum Maaspoort, Jan-Willem van Hoorn, manager

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Words from our

"De Watertuin has consciously chosen SpotOn for its usability and being leading in developing technologies in the field of WiFi Marketing." De Watertuin, Christine To, Manager

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Words from our

"Guests stream their favorite music while getting a tan, and we turn satisfied customers into returning customers. It’s a win-win for everyone!” Sunday’s, Roanne Hoving, Manager

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