4 Recognition Programs That Will Help Motivate Your Customers Service Team

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Customer service is important to every business.

And the team behind it more so.

They are the unsung foot soldiers of the business world. People celebrate CEOs, COOs, Founders, Presidents, but rarely customers service agents.

Regardless of tech, your customer service team make the difference between great customer experience and a terrible one. You need a happy and motivated team if you hope to give your customers the awesome experience they deserve. I’m sure you will agree with me on that one.

So, what’s my point here?

My point is that you need to recognize your customer service team. After all, they are at the frontline and represent your business to your customers. Creating a program to recognize and celebrate them is sure to motivate them and boost their performance.

And so, in this article I outline 4 simple programs you can implement to help recognize the efforts of your team. If you already have a recognition program in place, you can include any one of these. Or smash them all together to make a super recognition program.

  1. Awards Programs

The human brain is wired to be motivated by rewards.

Scientists have studied this behaviour for years and have proven that it works like a dream. And that’s why award programs are effective for boosting your team’s morale.

Many companies tag theirs’ “Employee of the month/year”. Top performing customer service agents who receive this award are treated specially for a certain period. They may be given a different seat, a salary raise, access to top executives, and more as rewards.

Programs like these foster hard work and diligence among staffs. However, to make it more effective, you should ensure that your team members understand the criteria used to measure performance.

  1. Recognition And Support Programs

Handling customer queries is a tough task. Take it from someone who has worked as customer service agent for many years.

In addition to low pay, agents have to deal with nasty customers and solve complex issues. It can become all the more overwhelming and put a strain your staffs’ morale.

Therefore, you need to recognize their situation and support them. You could do this by creating family support programs. Or weekly/monthly allowances for all customer service agents. Or perhaps a special quarterly or bi-annual retreat or get-together for your customer service team.

By this, you show your team that you recognize and appreciate their commitment. And it goes a long way to boost their morale.

  1. Demonstrate That Your Top Executives Care

Regardless of the size of your company, I bet you have a hierarchical structure. And for most companies, customer service agents occupy the bottom rung of the company ladder.

As a result, there is usually an abyss between top executives and staffs at the bottom. In turn, this can cause bottom level staffs, in this case your customer service team, to feel neglected.

To correct, put systems in place bring managers and top executives to interact with your customer service team. Set quarterly meeting where top executives get to meet with agents and ask them questions about how to make their job easier.

Additionally, you can make top executives play the role of a customer service agent for a day or two. This will help them understand better the pains of your customer service agents.

  1. Give Special Tasks

Why give more tasks to someone who already has a handful, right?

However, that’s not the case here. Let me tell you what I mean…

One way to reward hard working agents is to give them honourable responsibilities. These could be training new agents to bring them up to speed. Or making them ambassadors of the company.

Either way, giving them such tasks demonstrates that you recognize their expertise and strengths.

In conclusion…

You need to highlight your agents’ efforts and reward them. And so, creating systems to demonstrate your appreciation goes a long way to boost morale and drive the motivation to do more.

One more thing…

In addition, you can boost the morale of your customer service team by giving them the right tools. To do their jobs better, your agents need the right data. They need to know your customers well enough to provide a great service.

Spotonwifi is a great tool for this purpose.

Wi-Fi marketing & analytical tools like ours make it easy for you to collect accurate customer data. With this data, your agents understand your customers better and will respond appropriately to their queries.

But that’s not all…

The same data will help you create more effective marketing campaign that will guarantee increase in sales.

Sounds like something you want?

Then get in touch with us and together we’d build a profitable campaign.

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